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Senior to Senior: Creativity

Anyone can be creative. Creativity, while often associated with the arts, is more than that. It is about being open to new ideas and being brave enough to try something new. It may seem “Pollyannish” at first, but don’t you envy people who can think outside the box? They are the ones who end up being CEOs of their own lives. Seniors struggle with this. Despite vowing to do everything they always wanted to do upon retirement, they get bogged down with obligations and financial restraints. A good excuse. Few people want to admit that the real restraint is that their sense of creativity has died. The focus needs to be on being interested and involved in your own life. This is done by focusing on new ways to move forward, and by doing so with passion and positivity. You may have noticed how often creativity is discouraged. The powers that be, want “worker bees” not “dreamers,” in schools and in the workplace. Families are just as bad; they want seniors to stay inside their predetermined “box.” Out of sight, out of mind, so to speak. After 60-70 years of not putting yourself first, it is hard to take a new stance. Life was easier when all you had to do was follow the rules, but now the rules have loosened up a bit. You are now free to be creative and to chart your own path, if you are brave enough. It is never too late to reinvent yourself. Make innovative decisions about senior proofing your home, exercising, eating sensibly, and being responsible for your own health and wellbeing. Stop waiting for someone else to “fix” you. In short, forget being old for just a minute and make every day a good day. Try something new. Researchers tell us that being able to think creatively may be the key to healthy aging. Keep the ideas flowing. Enjoy unfamiliar experiences, ask questions, and stimulate yourself intellectually. Confront challenges and be open to new experiences. Stay strong. Stay motivated. Allow yourself to feel. Be your own best friend. Live the rest of your life with purpose, lightness, and fullness.
