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Senior to Senior: Hobbies

Why hobbies? Are they just a way to fill in time or do they represent a way to engage in a lifelong passion? A friend recently moved into an assisted living facility. There are many “activities,” going on, but she isn’t really into them. How often can you play Bingo. So what can she do to fill her extra time now that she doesn’t have to cook, clean, or go shopping. Now might be the time to start a hobby, but what? She doesn’t want to pick an activity that is just another “time filler.” Life is too short for that. Researchers suggest having a hobby. Studies indicate that they can be a powerful form of self-expression, personal growth and fulfillment. In short, hobbies can bring joy into your life. In addition to giving you something to do, a good hobby can improve your mood and reduce the stress associated with feeling bored and useless. Hobbies are generally broken down into several categories. You have creative hobbies such as painting, gardening, writing etc. You have educational hobbies where you learn something new such as a new language, and you have outreach hobbies where you work for charities and connect with like-minded people. Pick something that piques your interest. If you find that that your first choice isn’t to your liking, it is okay to drop it. Nothing wrong with that. Try as many things as possible until you find something that clicks. Hobbies should be enjoyable. Do not pressure yourself into being perfect in comparison to others. What is the “right hobby?” It could be something that you always wanted to do but never had the time. Browse a senior center catalog or walk around an Arts and Crafts store. Look into piano lessons or learn a foreign language (start by investigating the free programs offered by the library). The operative word is do something that you enjoy, remember as a child doing things “just for the fun of it.” Don’t let the quest for perfection take away the joy. Research your choice of subjects first and just go for it. Give your knitting or quilting projects to the charity of your choice if you want, but if want to research your family tree do it with gusto. So many things you can do. No need to be bored.
