There was a movie, many years ago, about book burning. Science Fiction we thought, a good story, but it was never going to happen. Believe it or not, many of those old science fiction stories weren’t as farfetched as we thought. Who knew.
We grew up during a time when books were everything to us. Yes, there was the radio, and many of us went to an occasional movie, but by-in-large books were our main source of entertainment. We read everything. Telling kids not to read something was a sure-fire way to pique their interest. Don’t tell me that you didn’t read by flashlight until the wee hours of the morning.
Saturday mornings meant a trip to town. Visiting the public library and playing in the park were the highlights of the week. The librarian knew what we liked to read and would recommend books that were “just right.” No censure, I might add. Sure, we sometimes read books that were a little too “mature” for us, but that was okay, it didn’t tarnish us forever. We read everything. No harm done.
To this day I read everything from cereal boxes to the Classics. Reading is like breathing to me, and thankfully the uncensored supply is, or has been, unlimited. At what age should someone else determine what is suitable reading material. Are we ever “too old” for a good story?
Reading has long been viewed as an essential part of growing up. It not only imparts information, but it serves as a window to the world. Reading contributes to our personal, intellectual, and emotional development at every age.
Reading is a healthy way to escape from the stresses of daily life while stimulating our own creativity and imagination. All good things.
No time? You have nothing but time now. It is never too late. Embrace the written word as a reader or as a mentor. Everyone deserves a chance to learn or just plain enjoy a good book. Make reading a part of your life and you will never be bored or lonely. Banning books. How dare they.